NanoGenMo 2022 - Day 16 - Discussion with GPT-3

I am trying an idea that I would offer GPT-3 a pretty comprehensive prompt per chapter describing the premise of the chapter, terrain, characters, and some kind of a skeleton run through of the chapter. I also want everything related to the world be contextual knowledge. While figuring that out I had a following discussion with GPT-3 about a chapter contents of fantasy novel where the protagonist fights dragon. It feels like I am still missing something about the prompts. Here everything quoted is GPT-3 and everything is else was written by me.

Discussion with GPT-3

generate a structured description of a fantasy book chapter progression for a mid-level staff writer

  1. The chapter opens with the staff writer's protagonist in the middle of a battle with a dragon.
  2. The protagonist is victorious, and the dragon is slain.
  3. The protagonist is celebrated by the people of the kingdom for their heroic deed.
  4. The staff writer's protagonist is then approached by the king, who offers them a position on his court.
  5. The protagonist accepts, and begins their new life as a member of the king's court.
  6. The chapter ends with the staff writer's protagonist reflecting on their new life, and the challenges that lie ahead.

Tell me about the protagonist's battle with the dragon.

The protagonist is in the middle of a battle with a dragon. The dragon is a fearsome creature, and the protagonist is having a tough time. However, they eventually triumph, and the dragon is slain. This victory is celebrated by the people of the kingdom, and the protagonist is hailed as a hero.

What is the name of the protagonist?

The name of the protagonist is not mentioned in the chapter progression.

Come up with name suggestions for a fantasy book protagonist

  1. Aric
  2. Eleri
  3. Finn
  4. Rowan
  5. Aelin

Describe the character, looks and personality of Rowan, the fantasy book protagonist

Rowan is a strong and courageous character who has a heart of gold. They are always fighting for what is right, and they have a deep sense of justice. Rowan is also very loyal, and they would do anything for their friends and allies. They are a fierce warrior, and they are not afraid of anything. Rowan is also very intelligent, and they are always thinking ahead. They are always prepared for anything that comes their way.

Invent names for a dragon

  1. Drago
  2. Ember
  3. Inferno
  4. Smoke
  5. Sulfur

Describe the character, looks and personality of Sulfur, the dragon that fought Rowan

Sulfur is a large and powerful dragon with a fearsome appearance. They are ruthless and cruel, and they enjoy nothing more than causing destruction. They are also very intelligent, and they are always one step ahead of their enemies. Sulfur is a fierce and powerful opponent, and they are not to be §underestimated.§

What colour is Sulfur? What does it smell like?

Sulfur is a bright red colour, and they smell of smoke and brimstone.

Generate a chapter of a Fantasy novel that contains the following elements:

  1. Rowan is in the middle of a battle with a dragon Sulfur. Describe the scene and surroundings
  2. In six paragraphs tell how Rowan is victorious, and the dragon is slain.
  3. Rowan is celebrated by the people of the kingdom for their heroic deed.
  4. Rowan is then approached by the king, who offers them a position on his court
  5. Rowan accepts and begins their new life as a member of the king's court.
  6. The chapter ends with Rowan reflecting on their new life and the challenges ahead. two paragraphs

The scene is chaotic as Rowan and the dragon Sulfur battle. The dragon is huge and powerful, and Rowan is having a tough time. However, they eventually triumph, and the dragon is slain. This victory is celebrated by the people of the kingdom, and the protagonist is hailed as a hero.

Rowan is then approached by the king, who offers them a position on his court. Rowan accepts and begins their new life as a member of the king's court. The chapter ends with Rowan reflecting on their new life and the challenges ahead.

Tell me more about the fight between Rowan and Sulfur

Sulfer is a large and powerful dragon, and they are very difficult to defeat. Rowan is a skilled warrior, and they are very intelligent. They are able to think ahead, and they are always prepared for anything. This allows them to eventually triumph over the dragon, and they are able to slay it.

Write a dialogue between Rowan and Sulfur in the heat of the battle

Sulfur: You will never defeat me, weakling!

Rowan: We'll see about that. I'm not afraid of you.

Sulfur: You should be. I'm the most powerful dragon in the world.

Rowan: I don't believe that. I know I can defeat you.

Sulfur: We'll see about that.

A bard meets Rowan in a public house and offers him ale to tell the story.

Bard: Hey there, Rowan! I heard about your battle with the dragon Sulfur. That was quite a feat!

Rowan: It was nothing, really.

Bard: Nonsense! I'm sure it was quite a harrowing experience. Would you mind if I bought you an ale and heard the story?

Rowan: That would be great, thank you.

Bard: So, tell me what happened.

Rowan: Well, it was chaotic. The dragon was huge and powerful, and I was having a tough time. However, I eventually triumphed, and the dragon was slain.

Bard: That's amazing! I'm sure the people of the kingdom were very grateful.

Rowan: They were. The king even offered me a position on his court.

Bard: That's quite an honor.

Rowan: It is. I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead.