Finnish Word Forms - Month End Report

So, the project of this month was:

In February I want a solid, running tool chain that generates me Finnish word forms as a dataset. It also can recognize most urgently needed missing word forms so when the editor is in place, the editor UI can prompt for user to add new word forms.

This was detailed in more detail in Collector Design Post. I am planning to write a proper final design of the system with. Current active code that is running in GCP Cloud run is in the repository timokoola/wordformcollector.

Current status is that I have a collector running and storing feed results to GCP Bucket. I'd say minimum goal was met, I would like to also have two more parts of the system running (one that counts and reports current collection contents and one that generates prompts for feeding the system the word forms it needs), but this is enough to collect me some initial test data before an editor is ready. At the moment I have roughly 380000 word forms for Finnish words. I also have functional code for counting different word forms per noun declination class and word form (e.g. it is possible to say that for words that declinate like "yksi" I am missing plural inessive form).

March Project

Still pondering about March project. My initial thought was:

In March I will have a break from serious stuff and the course Three.js Journey — Learn WebGL with Three.js and perhaps think of something I can share as and end result.

But let's see, I might do something else...