TIL: Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code TIL

My go-to code editor has been Visual Studio Code for the last couple of years. I’ve set it up from scratch the previous week for a new project.

As the project is more closed than most of my customer projects, I use the Foam system as my note-keeping system.

Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub.

You can use Foam for organising your research, keeping re-discoverable notes, writing long-form content and, optionally, publishing it to the web.

Foam | A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode

Today I encountered two different issues with Visual Studio Code that I needed to fix.

Bouncing Ghost Visual Studio Code

The first issue I encountered was caused by a spellright plugin Two icons in the Dock (macOS) · Issue #138838 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub

Setting ’Code’ to Path Resets After Restart

This one was my own doing. I’ve just forgotten to move the application to the Applications folder.